Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18, 2013

Absolutely awesome Bob Seger concert on Tuesday night. Crushed some excellent Japanese cuisine beforehand as well - really getting out there and enjoying the time off from chemo. Must be done.

Speaking of getting out there, figured it was time to make my way back up to Beantown to spend some time with all the excellent Boston College humans before their crunch for finals and my start of maintenance chemo. Also included is a quick stop at Quinnipiac to visit the cousin and her roomie and also teach them how to go about closing out an NCAA Ice Hockey Championship (too soon? nah.)

Caught some nice weather and good baseball games this week. Hoping that with this new chemo I'll still be able to get out and about to these games...not going to push it though. We'll see. Also dominated the scans today - all three in a row. Took quite a while to get through, but when you look at the sweet "this person is legally radioactive" card you get at the end of a PET scan, well, it's all so worth it.

Until later everyone.

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