Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 21, 2013

That's right I did it. You bet your bottom dollar. College graduate - can't stop, won't stop, like a boss.

Astounding time up in Chestnut Hill for the day (of graduation). To my surprise, the keynote speaker wasn't too bad - nailing a good message up until he called us "the Obama generation". Kinda lost me after that, but I still managed to take some good points away from his address. One of many highlights may have been the CSOM (business school) dean instructing the class to "sober up and stay vertical" prior to processing down to Alumni Stadium. Classic Boston College.

We were a little fearful that the weather forecast of scattered showers/thunderstorms may come to fruition and leave us drenched. This was not the case, luckily. We were still drenched though, in sweat. Believe it or not I'd rather that scenario. Plus since there was no rain event we didn't have the constraint of rain tickets, and all that wanted to attend got to attend the diploma ceremony. It all worked out!

I'll take this time to point out that yes, I graduated BC essentially from a hospital bed at Sloan Kettering. However, much to your surprise I'm sure, given the obvious nature of the fact that I am indeed Batman/Superman/The 8th Wonder of the World, I most certainly did not accomplish this on my own - not by a longshot. My parents, the administrators at BC (Dean Keeley and Sara), and my professors (Professor Sannella, Doctor Spinello, and Monsignor Bergin) have to at least have the majority of responsibility for my graduation between them. I could not be more thankful for all their love and support throughout this and all semesters I've been involved with them. There was not doubt before this in my mind that Boston College is the greatest school in the world, but after this, I simply couldn't imagine living a life without those three and a half years I was lucky enough to have on the Heights.

Furthering that sentiment, a big congratulations to all those other Boston College Class of 2013 grads. We nailed it, with relative ease no doubt. To all my friends, who were always there for me even before I had to leave, though we may not live within feet of each other anymore we will undoubtedly remain with each other forever in one way or another. To the 30 Mod, you valiant group of studs you (including Thomas, the wanna-be Nicky Mo replacement), it has been an honor to call you gentlemen roommates and fellow Modmembers. Since I plan on being a stud for years to come, we shall reunite many times, and of course as a Modular at our 5 year reunion.

I'll leave you all with a little photo evidence of the aforementioned event. Take care everyone.


  1. Very good Very nice. Job well done. Extremely proud of you. Now it is time to get down to more important stuff like giving me the winner for the Belmont Stakes. Let's Go!!!

  2. Congratulations Nicky Mo!! Great write-up and superb photo--tell the rents I said hello :)
