Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 10, 2013

A sad day arrived today, as the family said a tearful goodbye to its only blonde member - the four-legged bandit Katie aka "Kathryn Dog".

Now just about everyone who knows me, or has met me even, is well aware of how much this canine means to me and those of you who read this blog are most certainly in tune with such. Of course, heartbroken won't even begin to describe the sentiment. I've been questioned and even mocked due to my relationship with my Katie dog and that's all fine - but the bond that little mutt and I shared was for real and makes it even tougher to see her go.

She lived a long, full life in which she was more than loved - this I'm most grateful for. Before leaving for college, Mom asked what I would want done if something happened while I was away: a call, text, etc. I knew no answer was needed because she'd still be around when I graduated, and of course she was, tail wagging dragging her butt side to side with it at the door when we arrived back from Boston. Undoubtedly, the powers that be kept her around to help us all through the darkest days this past year. Help she did, and then some.

About two days ago, the tail stopped wagging. Things were deteriorating fast, and we knew the time was near. She leaves us with memories we'll never forget and a legacy that remains unrivaled.

I'll leave you with some of my favorite Katie pictures.

                                               Rest In Peace Katie          4/12/99-7/10/13


  1. Really sorry to learn of your doggie's passing...I know how much your entire family loved her and how she'll be missed. Never having owned a dog I can only imagine the attachment you get to one...I guess like a family it can be difficult to say goodbye. Chin up.

  2. My sincerest, heartfelt condolences. Dogs are truly a part of the family - there's a role that they fill that no person can. I don't think there are any words that can be said that would be sufficient. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
    Mrs. E

    1. So sorry for your loss. Katie was truly a special friend. She knew she achieved what her calling was. Now she will join Jake where he will greet her with a wagging tail. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  3. So sorry to hear Nick...keep your head up, and for sure make a little collage with those pictures.

    1. We are so sorry for your loss. Sweet Katie lives on in our wonderful memories.

      Love and hugs,
      The Fo's

  4. So sorry for the loss of your best friend. You are so right though, Katie WAS there for you when
    you needed her love. We went through a similar devastating time when we lost "Bandit". I keep
    his memory alive by signing is as Bandit many times over. Even though we have "Lady" now
    I still talk to Bandit. We had Bandit for 14 years. He was a friend, a consoler and a member of
    the family who we will always miss. Love you. Mrs. V (Bandit)
