Thursday, October 10, 2013

October 11, 2013

Salutations out there!

Yesterday was some day (and by yesterday I mean like 20 minutes ago). Old Man Wrinkles and I cruised over to the memorial golf tournament held for Mike Martirano, one of Wrinkles' best friends who passed in 2009 from ALS. It was a beautiful outing remembering an excellent human at a gorgeous course in Connecticut. Naturally I crushed the competition...don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Now some of you might be wondering how we're doing, and the answer is we're doing okay. Hanging in there, can't complain, won't complain - as I've said throughout. We keep on keepin' on. Life's a garden...dig it. Yeah I just quoted Joe Dirt. Fantastic move. Fantastic.

To all those who have reached out, and even those who haven't for whatever reason but have seen the blog and thought of us, thank you so much. It really means a lot, and I wish that wasn't such a standard response but I (yes, me, Nick Modico, Nicky Mo, etc.) am at a loss for words to describe it otherwise. You're all amazing. Please bear with me as I try to respond to all messages!

Got a great weekend lined up: gonna see a whole bunch of my buddies from school along with some family and friends from around here and just enjoy myself and the fact that I don't have to watch the Giants blow it again on Sunday (nice to get that out of the way early, actually). I'll leave you all with a little tune that I always used to like to play as fall really started to set in (so like now). Be good everyone.


  1. Nick,
    It was great to see you at KCHS on Wednesday!
    I had forgotten what that confident and charming smile of yours looks like!
    I got a kick out of how you enjoyed your old teacher telling the "little" freshmen to "pipe down"!!
    We had just finished our prayers when you showed up with Mr. Fletcher, and of course you were included in our prayers.
    I believe in miracles Nick!
    As the Irish would say, "there's no better man!"
    Love to you and your folks, Mary McGown

  2. I am still abiding by the request you made from the December 15, 2012 blog. However, please forgive me if I sometimes shed a tear. You will win this fight. Love ya kid.

  3. As always you amaze us !!! Your attitude is unbelievable & inspiring !! You make us all determined to live a more meaningful life. There's a miracle out there with your name on it !!!! Thinking of you always, The Bugeya Family

  4. Just read the news. You are an amazing individual. You know, just today at Assumption Church, I heard Immaculée Ilibagiza, author of Left to Tell, talk about her miraculous survival of the Rwandan genocide in 1994. I read her book a number of years ago, and was struck by how miracles truly do still occur. Today she was emphasizing the powerful role that the rosary played in her survival. When she entered the 3 by 4 foot bathroom that she was hidden in for 91 days with 7 other women, she had nothing but the clothes on her back and her father's rosary. She talked about the amazing peace that saying the rosary brought to her amidst horrifying close calls with the murderers, and amidst all her own anger, doubt and hardships. The book is an amazing story of miracles as well as forgiveness.

    So, I'll be praying the rosary for you, and asking for a miracle. It's something we can all do. If anyone deserves a miracle, you do! Love ya!

    Mrs. E

  5. Great seeing you Nicky Mo! Make sure you keep your Pops in order...I know how he tends to fly off the handles.
