Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013

Saved my 150th post until now, because it's a big number for this year - 150th anniversary of Boston College and Saratoga, two of my favorite places in this life. So let's not have this post be a letdown, eh?

I'm sure you've all been dying to hear about my latest news. The rumors are true: my golf game is spectacular. Okay, it's not but I'm edging my way towards respectability. Now that I've given you that nugget of grade A news, I'll also divulge that I had an unbelievably enjoyable weekend at Saratoga. Okay I'll finally cut to the chase - the scans have come back clean. Giddy up. Remission, let's be friends.

Great fortune cookie I got recently to wrap this up: "Life is a verb." Live, everyone.


  1. Great news! I got chills when I read this! As always, you're in my prayers. Keep working on that golf game - enjoy!

    Mrs. E

  2. We're all doing the happy dance! :) Yeah!!

  3. Life IS more than one verb!! Live , Laugh and Love. You are doing all three, good for you!! Knew about the scans because mom sent a text to Janet while we were at lunch this past Monday. So happy for you.! Love, Mrs. V

  4. This is a P.S. about Saratoga that will make you laugh!! The only memory I have is when I went to the
    track with my dad and during one of the races a horse fell and I cried my eyes out , so much that we left
    and needless to say he never took me again! I kept screaming about the poor horse, forget the jockey!!
    it's funny the things you remember. Maybe it is because my dad wasn't happy that he had to leave
    before he cashed in on a race!! Love you. Mrs. V
