Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 27, 2013 the compound....I think it was the 27th of Julyyyy. Best Chicago rendition I got folks. Just appreciate it, okay?

What goes on, you ask? Cheeeeeemo week one almost in the books. Got delayed on my pill-taking adventure due to UPS's lack of concern for my pills arriving on time...okay it was partially my fault as well for not refilling them in time BUT come on I need my pills UPS let's get with it. As a result, I think the one day delay has wreaked a bit of havoc on my stomach for not being on its usual schedule.

Bah, say I. Merely one more week of the wonderful cheeming and I'm home-free for a solid TWO weeks. And then what? Well, what else would one have Nicky Mo do in his weeks off other than golf, visit Saratoga, and oh yeah kick Mickey's tail down in Orlando?? Can't think of anything else either. Oh wait, maybe eat everything in sight and blame it on the steroids. Boom.

To say I'm looking forward to the upcoming weeks off is, of course, a severe understatement; but it's nice to have it to look forward to though during this tougher chemo week. Hope everyone has a great weekend and a solid start to the week coming up.

I might be back later to post a little picture I found so stay tuned...

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013

Saved my 150th post until now, because it's a big number for this year - 150th anniversary of Boston College and Saratoga, two of my favorite places in this life. So let's not have this post be a letdown, eh?

I'm sure you've all been dying to hear about my latest news. The rumors are true: my golf game is spectacular. Okay, it's not but I'm edging my way towards respectability. Now that I've given you that nugget of grade A news, I'll also divulge that I had an unbelievably enjoyable weekend at Saratoga. Okay I'll finally cut to the chase - the scans have come back clean. Giddy up. Remission, let's be friends.

Great fortune cookie I got recently to wrap this up: "Life is a verb." Live, everyone.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 17, 2013

Back from the hiatus. The first week sans mutt has been undoubtedly tough, and this was of course expected. It's safe to say she made this house a home.

So we power on, into this nice non-chemo week. It's a bit hot but I'll be on the links. Gotta make the most of the summer and these weeks off, right? Only had 2 hole-in-ones at the Modico Country Club yesterday, I guess that's alright. You know, whatever.

Went in for some scans on Monday. Cranked through pretty much every type of scan available at Sloan, minus the bone scan. That one's apparently not as much fun as the PET, CT, and MRI - so I left it off my schedule of events. Hopefully all the results come back swell.

On to the golf course I go. Keep cool everybody.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 10, 2013

A sad day arrived today, as the family said a tearful goodbye to its only blonde member - the four-legged bandit Katie aka "Kathryn Dog".

Now just about everyone who knows me, or has met me even, is well aware of how much this canine means to me and those of you who read this blog are most certainly in tune with such. Of course, heartbroken won't even begin to describe the sentiment. I've been questioned and even mocked due to my relationship with my Katie dog and that's all fine - but the bond that little mutt and I shared was for real and makes it even tougher to see her go.

She lived a long, full life in which she was more than loved - this I'm most grateful for. Before leaving for college, Mom asked what I would want done if something happened while I was away: a call, text, etc. I knew no answer was needed because she'd still be around when I graduated, and of course she was, tail wagging dragging her butt side to side with it at the door when we arrived back from Boston. Undoubtedly, the powers that be kept her around to help us all through the darkest days this past year. Help she did, and then some.

About two days ago, the tail stopped wagging. Things were deteriorating fast, and we knew the time was near. She leaves us with memories we'll never forget and a legacy that remains unrivaled.

I'll leave you with some of my favorite Katie pictures.

                                               Rest In Peace Katie          4/12/99-7/10/13

Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 7, 2013

Greeeeeetings all.

What a 4th. America at its finest: burgers, dogs, pool, sun, and good music. Can't be beat. Needless to say I was undefeated on the day in all sporting events; my deepest condolences to my opponents (you know who you are, I'm sure you're still licking your wounds so I won't call you out on the blog - you're welcome).

Made it through the first week of chemo yet again - the correlated stomach unease continues yet we cope, as best one can. In fact, both Katie and I have been changing our diets a bit in order to improve our stomach situations. Katie's taken a liking to burgers, but fittingly has an issue eating a meal known as a "dog". Speaking of which, we had Chinese food last night (come on it was funny...Katie's giving me a face...moving on).

So I'll be chillin' here with my Katie dog, perhaps by the pool a bit, on this hot and humid July day. A little iced tea and TV - life is good. Later everyone.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3, 2013

Here we go: the Fourth of July. Every true American patriot's favorite day of the year.

How will I celebrate you ask? Well what better way than to grill out, bet horses, Kan Jam, play a round at Modico Country Club, and maybe even get some swimming and pool basketball in (yes, I've made arrangements to get the needle out a day early and back in for chemo Friday. The 4th is that important.).

Got a nice set of golf clubs delivered - what a deal I got on them too, over 50% off! Steal city baby! Out with the starter set, in with the suave set. Can't be stopped. Won't be stopped. I'm practically a scratch golfer now - who are we kidding my handicap is astronomical but still only one way to get more. And that I shall do.

Don't look now boys and girls, but my Pirates are playing a little ball. It's barely the halfway point but listen - I'm still excited. Great pitching. What would you Yankees and Mets fans know about that? (I'll grant you Harvey...but no one else.) Let's go Bucs.

Off to plan my next move...Disney World trip. Happiest place on Earth. Fact. Later everyone!

Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013

Did ya miss me? Dumb question. Let's try this again - how much did you miss me?

What a week off. Enjoyability at its fullest extent. This standard midsummer thunderstorm pattern really put a damper on my golf outing game; nevertheless, as always it was a superb week off. Of course, once you start feeling like a normal human (i.e. your saliva tastes normal, you don't walk around with a needle, and your energy level is high), it's time to get back into the clinic and start up another round. It's tough to bring yourself to go back at this point, but not nearly as bad as the high dose chemo treatments. Now I fight the occasional bout with nausea and gross saliva. Before it felt like I fought to walk, eat, and breathe. Progress is crucial here, folks; and we have progress.

Had a surprise party on Saturday at none other than Belmont Park. Could there be a more appropriate venue for a graduation party for Nicky Mo? I think it's pretty obvious the answer is no. I smelled something fishy going to Belmont in a suit but the guise was good enough that I was surprised. Well done to all participants for keeping the secret on the down low. Attendees came from all over the Eastern seaboard for the event - to all those reading, thanks again for coming. For all those that couldn't make it, I'm sure I'll see you soon somehow. For all those I've never met...........hey, maybe meet you sometime.

Looking forward to the Fourth of July, probably my second favorite holiday to Christmas. Gotta celebrate America, the Declaration and Constitution, and essentially freedom and capitalism - nothing better. Red, white and blue, all day. Picture evidence from last year so you know my passion is real. Later world.